…to be a point of discovery & insight on your journey through life & coffee.


We are a team of three young, entrepreneurial coffee lovers just seeking to join Albuquerque in its pursuit of better tasting, more accessible coffee. One abandoned the structure & security of medical school to don the apron and salary of a career barista. Another slings ‘spro by day while tackling a full-time marketing career by night. The third simply wishes one of his many “investment ventures” will offset his love for vintage tees and sneakers. 

We consider ourselves vagabonds on a journey of discovery and insight. We venture through the unknowns of life with assurance in our purpose & identity all the while praying our single-origin, honey-processed, co-fermented, “Thermal Shock” gesha doesn’t get too cold to sip on before we can face the harsh realities of what it truly looks like to have work-life balance.